Thursday, April 30, 2015

Microsoft Is Bringing Android and iOS Apps to Windows 10

Microsoft Is Bringing Android and iOS Apps to Windows 10
After months of rumors, Microsoft is revealing its plans to get mobile apps on Windows 10 today. While the company has been investigating emulating Android apps, it has settled on a different solution, or set of solutions, that will allow developers to bring their existing code to Windows 10.
iOS and Android developers will be able to port their apps and games directly to Windows universal apps, and Microsoft is enabling this with two new software development kits. On the Android side, Microsoft is enabling developers to use Java and C++ code on Windows 10, and for iOS developers they’ll be able to take advantage of their existing Objective C code. “We want to enable developers to leverage their current code and current skills to start building those Windows applications in the Store, and to be able to extend those applications,” explained Microsoft’s Terry Myerson during an interview with The Verge this morning.
The idea is simple, get apps on Windows 10 without the need for developers to rebuild them fully for Windows. While it sounds simple, the actual process will be a little more complicated than just pushing a few buttons to recompile apps. “Initially it will be analogous to what Amazon offers,” notes Myerson, referring to the Android work Microsoft is doing. “If they’re using some Google API… we have created Microsoft replacements for those APIs.” Microsoft’s pitch to developers is to bring their code across without many changes, and then eventually leverage the capabilities of Windows like Cortana, Xbox Live, Holograms, Live Tiles, and more. Microsoft has been testing its new tools with some key developers like King, the maker of Candy Crush Saga, to get games ported across to Windows. Candy Crush Saga as it exists today on Windows Phone has been converted from iOS code using Microsoft’s tools without many modifications.
During Microsoft’s planning for bringing iOS and Android apps to Windows, Myerson admits it wasn’t always an obvious choice to have both. “At times we’ve thought, let’s just do iOS,” Myerson explains. “But when we think of Windows we really think of everyone on the planet. There’s countries where iOS devices aren’t available.” Supporting both Android and iOS developers allows Microsoft to capture everyone who is developing for mobile platforms right now, even if most companies still continue to target iOS first and port their apps to Android at the same time or shortly afterward. By supporting iOS developers, Microsoft wants to be third in line for these ported apps, and that’s a better situation than it faces today.
Alongside the iOS and Android SDKs, Microsoft is also revealing ways for websites and Windows desktop apps to make their way over to Windows universal apps. Microsoft has created a way for websites to run inside a Windows universal app, and use system services like notifications and in-app purchases. This should allow website owners to easily create web apps without much effort, and list those apps in the Windows Store. It’s not the best alternative to a native app for a lot of scenarios, but for simple websites it offers up a new way to create an app without its developers having to learn new code languages. Microsoft is also looking toward existing Windows desktop app developers with Windows 10. Developers will be able to leverage their .NET and Win32 work and bring this to Windows universal apps. “Sixteen million .NET and Win32 apps are still being used every month on Windows 7 and Windows 8,” explains Myerson, so it’s clear Microsoft needs to get these into Windows 10.
Microsoft is using some of its HyperV work to virtualize these existing desktop apps on Windows 10. Adobe is one particular test case where Microsoft has been working closely with the firm to package its apps ready for Windows 10. Adobe Photoshop Elements is coming to the Windows Store as a universal app, using this virtualization technology. Performance is key for many desktop apps, so it will be interesting to see if Microsoft has managed to maintain a fluid app experience with this virtualization.
Collectively, Microsoft is referring to these four new SDKs as bridges or ramps to get developers interested in Windows 10. It’s a key moment for the company to really win back developers and prove that Windows is still relevant in a world that continues to be dominated by Android and iOS. The aim, as Myerson puts it, is to get Windows 10 on 1 billion devices within the next two to three years. That’s a big goal, and the company will need the support of developers and apps to help it get there.
These SDKs will generate questions among Microsoft’s core development community, especially those who invested heavily in the company’s Metro-style design and the unique features of Windows apps in the past. The end result for consumers is, hopefully, more apps, but for developers it’s a question of whether to simply port their existing iOS and Android work across and leave it at that, or extend those apps to use Windows features or even some design elements. “We want to structure the platform so it’s not an all or nothing,” says Myerson. “If you use everything together it’s beautiful, but that’s not required to get started.”
Microsoft still has the tricky mix of ported apps to contend with, and that could result in an app store similar to Amazon’s, or even one where developers still aren’t interested in porting. This is just the beginning, and Windows universal apps, while promising, still face a rocky and uncertain future.

10 Things We Just Learned about the Future of Microsoft

Today at Microsoft’s annual developers conference, Build 2015, CEO Satya Nadella revealed the company’s strategy to several thousand avid .NET and Win32 app developers.
10 Things We Just Learned about the Future of Microsoft
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. (Photo: Yahoo Finance)
In a bladder-challenging three-hour keynote presentation, a team of Microsoft executives outlined what the software giant has in store for cloud computing, Microsoft Office, Windows 10, and its groovy new HoloLens augmented-reality headset.
“We want to move our users from needing Windows to choosing Windows to loving Windows,” Nadella said.
Here are 10 quick takeaways from Build.
1. The new Windows 10 browser finally has a real name.
What Microsoft had been referring to as “Project Spartan” now has an official name: Microsoft Edge. Tech journalists may now safely retire all references to 300 and introduce new metaphors involving soap operas and “cutting-edge” technology.
Internet Explorer will still exist in Windows 10 for compatibility with websites that need it in order to function correctly, but Edge will be the primary way Microsoft diehards surf the Web.
2. And it’s going to party like it’s 1999.
Edge will have Cortana built in, so you’ll be able to search by asking the Microsoft minx questions. It will accept pen input for annotating webpages (though we’re not exactly sure how or why you’ll use this), and the homepage will feature recommended apps, videos, and sites. From where we were sitting, Microsoft Edge looked an awful lot like a Web portal from the late 1990s. So maybe not so cutting-edge.
3. The HoloLens is even more wicked cool than we thought.
The 3D-augmented-reality glasses that Microsoft’s Alex Kipman introduced to much fanfare last January have gotten even cooler, if that’s possible. On stage, a Microsoft demonstrator used an untethered HoloLens unit to walk through a virtual living room that looked not entirely unlike a 3D version of Microsoft Bob.
Photo: Business Insider/Microsoft Build
Among other cool tricks, HoloLensers will be able to run normal Windows 10 apps literally anywhere and control them using hand gestures; they’ll also be able to “pin” their calendar or a video screen to the walls of the room or have it follow them as they walk around. Note that Microsoft demo’d this in a room largely devoid of actual furniture, thus avoiding any trip-and-fall lawsuits.
4. And will introduce another obnoxious term of art: The Airtap.
To control items wearing the HoloLens, you use a hand gesture called an “airtap” — as in, “Airtap the virtual HD display floating on the wall in front of you to launch a video.” Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.
5. But it will still be a long time before you’ll be able to buy one.
Kipman said Microsoft brought “hundreds” of untethered HoloLens computers to the Build conference to whet developers’ appetites for the technology. And it demonstrated how the HoloLens can be used to teach anatomy, design buildings, study art, interact with real physical objects, and much more.
HoloLens can be used with a 3D anatomy app. (Photo: Dan Tynan/Yahoo Tech)
So far, though, Microsoft has yet to announce when a software development kit might be available that will allow anyone to build apps for the device, let alone possible pricing or commercial availability.
6. Office is going to get a lot smarter.
Microsoft is turning its flagship suite of productivity software into a platform. This means developers will be able to build apps that plug into Excel, Word, and the like and automatically pull in data from different sources. On stage, Microsoft demonstrated an add-in from Uber that reminds you to call for a ride with enough time to make your next meeting; the app automatically grabs your current location from Windows Maps and your destination from Outlook. Slick.
7. Windows is going to get a lot pushier.
Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore touted the personalization aspects of Cortana, which will constantly be watching what you’re up to and suggesting new apps for you to download, based on the ones you already use. It will also watch how you use your tablet and periodically suggest new things to try, such as using a stylus. There was no word whether you’d be able to turn off any of these features.
8. Your favorite Android and iOS apps may be coming to Windows — finally.
Microsoft announced a handful of tools that will make it easier for developers to take existing iOS and Android apps and port them over to Windows. This means that Microsoft’s anemic apps store may fill up faster; it will also likely enable you to run iOS and Android apps on your Windows 10 desktop or laptop.
Using HoloLens to layer a virtual robot head on top of an actual bot’s body. (Photo: Dan Tynan/Yahoo Tech)
9. Your Windows 10 apps will now run on virtually any device.
One of the key developments pushed at Build is “universal apps” — the fact that Microsoft is using one code base for all Windows platforms moving forward. That means the software that runs on your PC will also run on your phone, tablet, and other devices.
10. One day, your phone could be your only computer.
Once the same code is running on all your Windows devices, it won’t matter which one you use anymore. Belfiore demonstrated a scenario where a person hooks a Windows phone to a full-size keyboard, mouse, and big screen display, and manipulates a PowerPoint presentation that’s identical to one that would normally be edited using a desktop or laptop PC.
What this also means: If you lose your phone, you’re really going to be screwed.

Google launches security feature for Chrome web browser

A logo is pictured at Google's European Engineering Center in ZurichA logo is pictured at Google's European Engineering Center in Zurich
By Yasmeen Abutaleb
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Google Inc on Wednesday announced a free extension for its Chrome web browser that better protects Google accounts, including email, against online attackers trying to steal passwords and other personal information.
The extension, called Password Alert, can be downloaded on Google Chrome and warns users before they enter account information on "phishing" pages, or imitation sites designed to steal passwords and access personal information, such as emails or online bank accounts.
Millions of phishing emails and websites are sent every day, Google said. Nearly 2 percent of messages sent through Gmail, Google's email service, are designed to steal passwords.
"Right now, it's left up to the user to decide whether or not to enter their password," said Drew Hintz, the lead engineer for Password Alert. "We expect users to know the difference between these sites, and that's an unreasonable request to make of users."
The new extension, which took about three years to create, is an addition to Google's other security measures, including safe browsing technology that warns users against potentially malicious sites and verification tools that help protect private accounts.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Andreja Pejic: „Vogue“ zeigt erstmals transsexuelles Model

Zum ersten Mal zeigt das Modemagazin „Vogue“ ein Transgender-Model in einer Strecke. Andreja Pejic gehört inzwischen zu den bekanntesten Gesichtern in der Fashion-Branche.

Andreja Pejic ist das wohl bekannteste transgender Model der Welt (Bild: Getty Images)Andreja Pejic ist das wohl bekannteste transgender Model der Welt (Bild: Getty Images)

Vogue-Chefin Anna Wintour mag vielleicht als hart, kühl und unnahbar gelten, in Sachen Mode und Zeitgeist macht ihr allerdings niemand was vor. Die wichtigste Moderedakteurin der Welt brachte nun erstmals ein transsexuelles Model in der amerikanischen Ausgabe der Fashion-Bibel.

Andreja Pejic gehört bereits seit einiger Zeit zur Elite in der Modelbranche. Sie lief bereits auf der Paris Fashion Week für Gaultier sowie für Michael Michalsky  auf dessen Stylenite. Pejic präsentierte aufgrund ihres androgynen Aussehens sowohl Männer- als auch Frauenmode auf dem Laufsteg. 

2014 unterzog sich die als Andrej Pejic im ehemaligen Jugoslawien geborene Australierin schließlich einer Geschlechtsumwandlung. Seither nennt sie sich Andreja, die weibliche Form von Andrej, und möchte nunmehr ausschließlich als Frau angesprochen werden. In der Mai-Ausgabe der US-Vogue erzählt die 23-Jährige nun in einem ausführlichen Porträt über ihren Werdegang. 

Auf ihrem Instagram-Account zeigt sich Pejic glücklich (Bild: Instagram/andrejapejic)Auf ihrem Instagram-Account zeigt sich Pejic glücklich (Bild: Instagram/andrejapejic)

Ihren Erfolg kann Pejic kaum fassen: „Wenn mir noch vor einem Jahr jemand gesagt hätte, dass ich jemals einen vierseitigen Bericht in der amerikanischen ‚Vogue‘ bekommen würde, hätte ich es nicht geglaubt“, schreibt das Model auf Instagram. Seit ihrer Umwandlung ist Pejic erfolgreicher denn je. Noch in diesem Jahr startet sie als Gesicht der Kampagne des großen Kosmetikherstellers „Make Up For Ever!“.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bridal Fashion Week's Best Backstage Beauty Tips

Bridal Fashion Week's Best Backstage Beauty Tips
Photo: Paige Stables via Instagram
Do you know why we love going backstage to all the shows during Bridal Fashion Week? It’s partly because we get a sneak peek at the gorgeous dresses — and partly because we always get the best beauty tips. This season, we asked the hairstylists and makeup artists to spill all of their best-kept beauty secrets just for brides. Here, our favorite pieces of big-day advice.
1. Use a setting powder one shade darker than your skin. 
“So many brides wear finishing powder that’s too light, which can make you look washed out in photos. If you wear one that’s just a shade darker than your foundation, it will not make you look funny — it will just give you a bit of extra color and help control shine.” — makeup artist Viviana Martin at Claire Pettibone
2. Let your dress be the focal point of your look. 
“You spend so much time finding the perfect gown, so you don’t want your makeup to overshadow it! If you’re a red lip or smoky eye girl, go for it, but keep everything else subtle. Make it about your dress.” — makeup artist Daniel Martin at Naeem Khan
3. An updo is a foolproof way to look regal on your big day. 
“Wearing your hair up exudes confidence and lasts a long time, too. Specifically, an updo that’s soft and textured looks modern.” — hairstylist Joseph DiMaggio at Naeem Khan
4. Pale pink isn’t the only option for nails. 
“The shade you choose depends on your personality and what you’re wearing. Failsafe, feminine options are shades of pink and blush. But if your dress has a bit of red in it, go for red! I also love a very light blue, like Essie’s Borrowed and Blue. So beautiful.” — manicurist Julie Kandalec at Naeem Khan
5. Make sure the color above your neck matches the color below it.
“It’s important to have a continuity of skin tone from the top of your head to your toes. On the models’ face and body, I used MAC Prep + Prime Natural Radiance. It reduces redness, evens out the skin tone, and photographs beautifully.” — makeup artist Gina Bettelli at Monique Lhuillier
6. Focus on making your skin look perfect. 
“You don’t want to look like you’re wearing a full face of makeup, whether you really are or not. The key to doing this properly is really working on your skin. It should look luminous. On the models, I put foundation only where needed, covered imperfections with concealer, and applied Laura Mercier Infusion de Rose Nourishing Oil with a sponge to add more radiance to the skin.” — makeup artist Talia Sparrow at Jenny Packham
7. At your hair trial, try to mess up your hairstyle. 
“Yes, you heard that right! Before sending the models out to walk the runway, I always make them shake their heads to make sure everything doesn’t come undone. If it does, it’s much better to fix the problem then, instead of having it happen in the middle of your wedding day.” — hairstylist Kevin Ryan at Jenny Packham
8. Carry a two-in-one lip and cheek product for touch ups. 
“They’re easy to apply on the go and are great for multipurpose use. I used Bobbi Brown’s Pot Rouge in Pale Pink on the models — a perfect, fresh bridal shade.” — makeup artist Cassandra Garcia at Carolina Herrera
9. Balance a sexy dress with a soft, sweet hairstyle. 
“Some of my dresses are a bit sexier, so it’s nice to counteract that with a young, soft hairstyle that isn’t as severe. Little black ribbons tied in the hair are perfect for achieving this.” — designer Elizabeth Fillmore at Elizabeth Fillmore
10. To get the perfect cat eye, trace it first with nude lip liner. 
“Mapping it out first will help you get the shape right. Plus, if you mess up, it’s much easier to erase nude than black! Then, go right over it with your black eyeliner. And if you do need to erase mistakes, the thin cotton swabs from Muji save my life.” — makeup artist J Guerra at Elizabeth Fillmore
For more front-row photos and exclusive behind-the-scenes coverage, see our our Bridal Fashion Week round-up on

How to Remineralize Your Teeth

How to Remineralize Your Teeth
Remineralizing your teeth is easier than you might think. (Photo: Trunk Archive/Txema Yeste)
It’s the modern-day, return-to-roots paradox: decisions become more complicated the more we veer toward what’s “natural.” This is especially true when it comes to how we take care of our teeth and demineralization.
The enamel on our teeth is made out of calcium phosphate, which are minerals. When you eat or drink flavored beverages, the bacteria in our mouths metabolize what been consumed and makes acids. These acids demineralize the teeth by removing minerals on the enamel.
This process occurs whether drinking a cleansing tea or coffee, eating a natural snack, like blueberries, or gorging on junk food. “That happens every time we eat or drink anything that’s not neutral, [like water] and that’s how cavities are made,” explains Dr. Maria Lopez Howell, an American Dental Association spokesperson and an adjunct clinical professor to the University of Texas Health Science Center Dental School at San Antonio.
This, of course, sounds pretty scary— and enough to make us start sourcing trusted calcium purveyors for our own DIY fix. Online-sourced remineralization remedies include brushing your teeth with a homemade toothpaste that contains calcium, diatomaceous earth and coconut oil (because, what remedy doesn’t these days?), manipulating your diet so it’s strong in minerals and vitamins and weak in particular natural acids, and seeking hard-to-pronounce names of in-office treatments or topical creams. Should we be reconfiguring our healthy diets, yet again?
In order to remineralize the enamel on our teeth and help protect it from cavities, we really need to do one thing: spit. “The minerals in your saliva will allow that remineralization to happen,” says Howell. “It’s got calcium and phosphate in it and some other buffers that will help buffer that acidic state.”
If our mouths produce saliva, then why do we get cavities at all? The answer, in part, is due to the way—and frequency— in which we eat and drink. If while sitting at our desks, we nurse a couple cups of iced-coffee all day, never giving our mouths the chance to return to that neutral state, then we leave our mouths freaking out on acid, so to speak— an intense state that compromises tooth health. “It takes a little over a half hour for your mouth to go from an acidic state after eating or drinking a flavored beverage, to a neutral state, in which the saliva can exercise its healing power,” she says. “If you’re sipping coffee, and you take another sip, then you’re starting at square one again. And this all-day exposure to acidic foods or drink is what leads to cavities.”
Optimally, Howell suggest we take a two-hour break after eating a meal or finishing a drink in order to allow our saliva to remineralize—and strengthen—teeth. If you want to accelerate your mouth’s healing time, the American Dental Association points to studies that show chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after meals can lower instances of tooth decay, since gum chewing allows for more saliva flow.
While our bodies are self-equipped to remineralize teeth, this biological auto-correct isn’t enough to ward off tooth decay and cavities on its own. Maintaining proper dental hygiene, including flossing once a day and brushing twice a day for two-minutes increments is vital, Howell says. Not only does a two-minute brushing allow enough time for each tooth surface to be cleaned, but gives enough time for the mouth to benefit from the fluoride exposure. “If your mouth is in its healing state after eating, and you put fluoride in your mouth, you’re going to end up with a surface that’s harder than the brand-new enamel,” she says. “But it takes a full two minutes. You have to leave the fluoride toothpaste in your mouth for that to happen.” Howell also notes that “even the best hygiene can not overcome a poor diet.” She suggests consuming a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, calcium, and lean protein and scheduling regular cleanings as final components of maintaining proper tooth care.
Bottom line: keep your mouth off acid between meals, take some time with brushing and your teeth will find their way back to their mineral-hardened state—no hand-churned toothpaste or high-maintenance diets required.

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Taking Off Your Makeup

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Taking Off Your Makeup
Kim Kardashian confesses to falling asleep with all of her makeup on. (Photo: Instagram)
Kim Kardashian is just like the rest of us. In a #TBT photo posted to her Instagram account, the reality star confessed to falling asleep with all of her makeup on, writing, “#TBT last night right before I fell asleep with all of my make up on grrrrrr.” (If you’ve seen any before and after photos of her makeup application process, you know that means it was a lot of makeup.) As easy as it is to collapse into bed after a few too many margaritas with a full smoky eye, taking your makeup off before you go to bed is seriously important—not only for your skin, but also for your pillowcase.
Dr. Ava Shamban, a Beverly Hills dermatologist and author of Heal Your Skin, says that taking off your makeup is the most important thing you can do for your skin, especially at night when there is more cell turnover and your skin is working on repairing itself. “Makeup traps pollutants, so always take off your makeup,” says Shamban. Not removing your makeup can lead to breakouts and irritated skin, and who wants that? Here are five products for quick and painless makeup removal—even for the laziest girl.
Acure Unscented Argan Oil Cleansing Towelettes ($9)
Wipes might be the easiest way to take off your makeup at the end of the day. These are packed with argan oil, which means they’ll leave your skin feeling hydrated after you’ve taken everything off. Added bonus: They’re free of parabens, sulfates, silicones, and phthalates.
Simple Cleansing Micellar Water ($6)
If you’ve got sensitive skin, make this your go-to for late night makeup removal. This cleansing water is packed with vitamins B3 and C, helping to remove makeup and keep skin hydrated. Soak a cotton pad and wipe away—no rinsing required.
Tatcha One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil ($48)
Camellia and rice bran oils come together in this pretty much perfect cleansing oil. Massage gently onto dry skin and watch your makeup quickly melt away—no double-cleansing or additional makeup remover needed. Just rinse with warm water and hit the sheets. 
Bite Beauty Lush Lip Wipes ($12)
No one likes waking up with red lipstick smeared across their pillowcase—which is where these wipes come in handy. For the avid lipstick wearer, these will quickly remove your lip color while leaving lips hydrated and healthy thanks to melon extract.
Sephora Express Eye Makeup Remover Wipes ($9)
These eye makeup removing wipes come in handy mini packs, which means you can stash one in your clutch and remove your makeup while you’re in a cab on the way home. Now you really have no excuses.

YB Loves: The Ultimate Matte Lipsticks

YB Loves: The Ultimate Matte Lipsticks
Dolce & Gabbana’s new Dolce Matte Lipstick has a smooth, moisturizing formula. (Photo: Dolce & Gabbana)
Each day the editors of Yahoo Beauty are sharing one noteworthy product we feel should be on your radar. From the latest and greatest items that land on our desks to indie products with a cool backstory to the old standbys that have earned a permanent place on our vanities, trust us: you’ll want to check them out.
Makeup trends may come and go, but matte red lips are timeless. And while there are countless options available, it’s tricky to find that perfect shade in your ideal formula. After discovering Dolce & Gabbana’s red bullets a few years ago I’ve never turned back, and I’ve converted every red lipstick-wearer I know to these unrivaled tubes. So when I tried their incredible new Dolce Matte Lipsticks ($37)—13 bold red shades to suit every mood—I had to find out the secret behind this special formula. Here Silvia Incardona, Dolce & Gabbana’s Global Prestige Scientific Communications Director, explains just how their new matte lipsticks rise above the rest.

“Women say that matte lipsticks have a chalky, uncomfortable texture which highlights imperfections on the surface of the lips,” says Incardona. “Also, women often complain that matte lipsticks are drying and lack moisture and that puts them off wearing it.” Anyone who’s a fan of matte lipsticks is nodding her head right now, and this is largely due to their formulation. Matte lipsticks are made of pigments, oils, waxes, and powders. Incardona says the average tube is super heavy on the wax since it binds everything together, provides a matte texture, and gives that light-scattering effect women love. Thankfully, the Dolce Matte lipsticks really mix things up.
If you love red lipsticks you’ll love this new range of 13 matte shades. (Photo: Dolce & Gabbana)
“Dolce & Gabbana formulators identified a specific structure builder which allows the optimal ratio with reduction of waxes and powders, so the Dolce Matte Lipstick does not allow for that uncomfortable feeling associated with wax-like materials found in the formulas of traditional matte lipstick.” In place of the wax, you’ll now find added conditioning oils. “This means Dolce Matte Lipstick offers a strong moisturizing feel to the lips,” says Incardona. “The silica and special pigment coating agent provide an intense, even, and high matte coverage, too.”
The new Dolce Matte lipsticks are ultra moisturizing, creamy, fully opaque, and best of all, easy and comfortable to wear all day. From the orangey-red Fire to the true red Dolce to the burgundy Jealous, there is a red shade for every occasion and you’ll have a hard time picking a favorite. They’re already flying off shelves, so grab one—or all thirteen—now at SaksNordstrom, or Sephora.